the vivacious studiomaddie's weblog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DATE: 17/09/2024

it is 1;21 am, i am supposed to wakeu p at 6:30,, uh oh.. uploaded a bunch of random stuff to the gallery

back from college. idk how to feel, i want an assignment

DATE: 16/09/2024

maddie is learning new skills at a VERY FAST SPEED, she has discovered that blender doesnt suck, she sucks!! so she is gonna try to unsuckify herself!!
designed some more of pheonix mountain, i have scope creeped a lot but i believe that it NEEDS to happen because itll make the game *much much much* more interesting
not only to play but to make. i want this to be something im proud of.

it has occurred to me that maybe the weblog is just a procrastination tactic, it appears im not even very good at it. right now im supposed to be modelling a gasolie bottle


comic page added

DATE: 15/09/2024

HELLOOOO !!!!!!!! OK SO IVE BEEN DOING SOME DEVELOPING TODAY!! I SYNCRONISED THE PLAYER CONTROLLERS ACROSS SCENES, because uhh previously i was using a placeholder controller in the start scene,
the one i made myself works better, i wouldve just used the placeholder but it wouldnt *stick* to the cable car

DATE: 14/09/2024

struck by the plague...

DATE: 10/09/2024

oh mymymymyh it is today!!!!!!!!! how beautifyl is that, another another day

DATE: 09/09/2024

today is today once more, currently, i in the present tense, am on my way to the "skin doctor". new: the "skin doctor" did nothing new. i have a task to do from tha college, it's regarding the "simulation" genre, what the freak. this sucks. the simulation genre is a SUPER-GENRE man, like it's impossible to pin down, there's construction simulations, sports simulations, life simulations, this sucks.

DATE: 08/09/2024

i am writing this retroactively, i think i wont be able to capture my feelings, as they were fleeting. i am close to finishing cat_shot!!! i uploaded a new build today + made an icon for it quickly, however i dont think ive made a very interesting game, it's for the hokocafe gamejam and soley, i dont think the game is fun, and i dont think any ideas presented in the game are interesting. i would be lying if i said i hadn't learnt anything from making it though. the biggest thing being that i REALLY want to make games that are interesting and i mean INTRIGUING!! this has no appeal. to me. to anyone.

DATE: 07/09/2024

I HATE THIS BLOG!! deleted all previous entries

DATES: 18/08/2024 - 06/09/2024

all entries here removed